"You always wanted the nice guy; too bad you got the fucking villain."
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Glyndon - FMC
Killian - MMC
Brandon - Glyndon’s brother, the nice twin.
Landon - Glyndon’s brother, the crazy one.
Gareth - Killian’s brother, also in the Heathens, but less crazy than Killian.
Nikolai - Killians cousin, slightly crazy, okay really crazy.
Mia - Nikolai’s sister, she doesn’t speak, not sure why, she just doesn’t.
Maya - Nikolai’s other sister.
Jeremy - another cousin, he is also crazy, and also part of the Heathens.
Annika - Jeremy’s sister, the only American to go to Royal Elites. Ends up being roommates with Glyndon. We will learn more about her in the next book, God of Pain.
Eli King - Glyndons cousin, helps Landon abduct Killian.
Creighton King - Glydon’s other cousin, doesn’t talk much, keeps to himself, is close friends with Remi, will learn more about him in the next book, God of Pain.
Remington aka Remi - Glydon’s cousin, funny dude, womanizer, calls himself “your lordship”.
Ava and Cecily - Glydons besties and roommates
Brighton Island in the UK is home to two colleges, very close together. King’s U for Americans and Royal Elite for the British (now there are a few Americans in Elite and some Brits in Kings U but not much). These people come from wealthy, connected families. Like - CEOs of powerful companies and organized crime.
There are also 3 secret societies between these two colleges. Kings U have the Heathens, Elite has the Elites (original right), and then there’s a third, not real sure where they belong - Serpents. They are the most hush hush out of the 3 groups.
Killian is our MMC, he attends King’s U and is a member/leader of the Heathens. He also lacks morals, empathy, feelings in general.
Glyndon - FMC. She attends Royal Elite. She has twin brothers, one of whom is normal, and the other who shares a lot in common with Killian, as far as lack of empathy, morals, and violence.
Glyndon watched her friend, Delvin, drive off a cliff a few weeks before our story begins, so she is all sorts of fucked up. He actually pushed her out of the car and drove himself off of it. She goes back to the scene and is debating jumping when she is joined, and then sexually assaulted, by Killian. We find out later that Killian knew Delvin, because Delvin tried to join the Heathens, and he spoke about Glyndon so Killian was already intrigued. Then he went to the cliff, for reasons I don’t remember, and sees Glyndon and thinks “I must ruin her”.
A few weeks later back at school, Glyndon runs into Killian. He basically forces her into a relationship.
During initiation night for the Heathens, Glyndon gets a text inviting her. The initiation is you have to run through these woods and get to the safe house, if you manage to do that without being caught, you’ve made it past initiation. Also, current members of Heathens will be hunting you in the woods. Using weapons like baseball bats, or just fists.
Killian recognizes Glyndon as she is running away and starts chasing her. He catches up with her, they have “consensual” sex in the woods (meaning she didn’t want to but then she did), and he herds her towards the house. Right before they get there, he taps her out, so she can’t join the Heathens.
Then this chick, Cherry, walks out of the house, and just sticks her tongue right down Killians throat. He pushes her off. Cherry makes comments about having sex, and Glyndon is like I’ll just be going now… Killian tells her not to, says he’ll have sex with Cherry if she leaves. But she leaves anyway. On the way out, Killian’s brother, Gareth, tells her to stay away from Killian because he’s bad news.
As you can guess - she does not stay away and Killian did not have sex with Cherry. (Because we tolerate a lot of things in the Dark Romance Book World but cheating is not one of them).
Glyndons brothers, really just the one crazy one, Landon, tries to persuade Kiilian to stay away from Glyndon. Landon tells Killian he has one week to break it off.
Glyndon is trying to figure out what drove Delvin to commit suicide. She asks Gareth for help. Which pisses off Killian because he thinks Gareth is trying to make a move.
She also has been getting texts from anonymous numbers, threatening her.
One week later - Landon abducts Killian with the help of his cousin, Eli. Brandon finds out and tells Glyndon and they rescue him but not before Lan tries to kill him by waterboarding.
Glyndon is annoyed with herself that she is developing feelings for Killian. She knows he doesn’t know how to have real feelings, and he might care about her, in his own way, but is he ever going to be in love with her?
Killian gets offended by this - because that's what he does. And kidnaps her to America, to meet his parents.
While there, she gets a text from an unknown number showing a small clip of Killian doing Delvins initiation into the Heathens, but all she hears him say is something like you’re worthless, you should just die. She blames Killian for Delvins death and goes back to the UK.
Once in the UK, she goes back to the cliffs, why? I don’t know. I don’t think she does either. But surprise, someone back from the dead appears. Delvin. Apparently he faked his own death to cause a war between the Elites and the Heathens because he is a Serpent. (Also, his sister is Cherry, she has been the one leaking videos to Glyndon and sending her threatening messages). Serpents want to destroy the other two, so they thought they’d use Glyndon to get close to Landon and also use her to get close to Killian. If he could piss off both of them, he’d start a war between all three of them. She talks some shit to him and he beats the shit out of her.
Killian finds her and says the wonderful “Who did this to you?”
Delvins plan doesn’t really work because all it does is unite the other two against the Serpents. They don’t kill anyone…yet…just hospitalize a few of them, including Delvin.
Approximately two and half years later, Killian asks Glyndon to marry him. He may not have conventional feelings but he is very protective of what's his…and Glyndon is his.